DIY Bride

Emily Serving Her Own Cake

Emily and her fiance Jim came to get married in Vermont because they love to travel and see new places.  While they wanted a formal sort of wedding, they didn’t want a giant, fancy event, as they said they’d rather spend the money on traveling.

So they booked a room at the Stone Hill Inn in Stowe, which caters to eloping couples who want elegance without the chaos of a big wedding, and brought me out to Do The Deed.

Wanting to save money on a photographer as well, Emily just set up a tripod with a camera, hid the remote control in her bouquet, and snapped photos of the ceremony – even while she was speaking her vows!

But that’s not all.  She also did it while wearing the highest heels ever seen on a woman since Sex and the City.  Turns out Emily is one TINY gal, and when she took off her shoes I positively towered over her.  Given that I’m barely scraping 5′, I had to thank her for the rare chance to feel tall and willowy.

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