Strangers In A Friendly Land

Kim and Kira

This past Thursday, I was on my way up to the beautiful and historic Bread Loaf Writer’s Colony to spent the weekend teaching at the New England Young Writer’s Conference, when I got a message from Kimberly.  She and her girlfriend Kira were up from Mississippi, vacationing in Essex, and really wanting to get married on Friday the 13th.  Was there any chance I could help them out?

I got back to her and said I’d be teaching all weekend, but if they could make their way to Ripton at noon, I’d be able to marry them on my lunch break.  They thought that sounded like a fine idea, and a great adventure.

When my students heard about what I’d be up to, they offered to write a poem for the wedding ceremony, and also serve as the attendants and audience, since Kim and Kira wouldn’t have their friends and family there to support them.  I checked in with the gals, who were delighted and honored by the idea.  So when Kim and Kira showed up the next day, they had about 15 highly artsy adolescents there to help support them and send them on their way.

Marion reading the poem

I loved the fact that Kim and Kira had never been to Vermont before, and some of my students had never heard a real live Southern accent before – much less seen two women get married!

Thanks to the kids for their generosity and creativity, and to Kim and Kira for opening up their ceremony to a group of unknown teenagers!

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