
Alexia and Jessica just moved to Vermont from San Francisco with their son Jake.

Their plan for the wedding was to do it at one of my favorite ceremony spots, Oakledge Park.  Unfortunately, June has been a rather moist month and the weather was most definitely not cooperating with us.

So, I suggested heading downtown to the Firehouse Gallery.  I knew it would be open on a Saturday afternoon, and since they often rent out the space for weddings, I didn’t think they’d mind if the four of us stood in a corner and recited a few vows.

I showed up a few minutes early to check in with their staff, and it turned out that they were about to start setting up for an evening event.  But they said that they had a display of Bonsai trees in an upstairs studio, and that the guy running the display would probably be ok with us doing it there.

There were a bunch of Bonsai lovers checking out the minute-yet-elegant trees, including my friends Ken and Sue Wade.  But the Bonsai Guy (whose name I sadly forget) was totally amenable to an impromptu ceremony.

So I brought Jess, Alex, and Jake upstairs, we took over a little corner, and while Sue snapped pix, we got these gals all hitched up.

Hopefully their marriage will be as beautiful and long-lasting as a Bonsai, just not quite so teeny!

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